miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

The Greatest Chilean

The person that I would like to talk about it's an illustrator that I been following for many years. Her name is Catalina Bu and she was born in Concepcion, Chile in 1989. When she was about my age (19), she moved from her home in Concepcion to Santiago with the idea of studying illustration in the Institute Arcos. Since then, she has worked in different type of brands and magazines in general.

I found out about her work in 2014 through social media, and saw parts of the new comic book she just had released: Diario de un Solo, that talks or shows common situations of the everyday life when you live alone. I knew that her project was very successful in bookstores so I asked for it as a gift for mi fifteen birthday; I have a sentimental bond with this book and it brings me many memories from those years.

I don’t know if she is the greatest Chilean of all the time, but personally I really admire her for the work she does, the career she studied and her success. Definitely was a model or influence in what I choose to study or the kind of success that I would like to reach if I work enough (I would love to have a project like that someday). Maybe she isn’t a influence in other people, or even considered a great person, but it definitely was for me in those years of getting to know what I would like to do in the future.

In addition, she’s really funny on social media and has a very specific type of humor; it always makes me laugh with the Instragram storys of her dogs or friends.

8 comentarios:

  1. I didn't know this illustrator, i like the color and the expression of his draws, thaks for showing him.

  2. Hi! I like Catalina Bu too, she is great :)

  3. Thanks for sharing her. I am sure a student did a presentation about her in the past.

  4. I love Catalinabu and I think her draws are unique

  5. I think i had seen some of her comics, always identify me

  6. love catalina bu, not only his drawings but his personality too

  7. I had never seen this illustrator before, so I'm gonna search her

  8. I love the illustrations of others artists, its shows somehow what the people think about daily life
